Artificial Intelligence in Cyber Security: 2022

Understanding how AI works in our everyday lives by exploring three main types of AI; Assisted intelligence, Augmented intelligence and Autonomous intelligence and the impact this has on cyber security.

Reading time: 3 minutes
By eliatra
With the ever-growing technology in artificial intelligence (AI) and the constant threat of online hackers, we explore the connections between the two and how one can be used as a defence against the other. Before we can go into deeper discussions, we must first understand how AI works in our everyday lives.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. This definition from IBM provides a clear picture; “At its simplest form, artificial intelligence is a field, which combines computer science and robust datasets, to enable problem-solving. It also encompasses sub-fields of machine learning and deep learning, which are frequently mentioned in conjunction with artificial intelligence. These disciplines are comprised of AI algorithms which seek to create expert systems which make predictions or classifications based on input data”.

Types of AI

Today, we tend to hear about three main types of AI; Assisted Intelligence, Augmented Intelligence and Autonomous Intelligence.

Assisted Intelligence

The primary aim of assisted intelligence is to automate processes and help in decision-making by using the power of big data, the cloud, and data science. This is often explained as the most basic level of AI because it is not self-sufficient, meaning human users must always intervene.
The main idea here is that AI improves processes that are already running, playing more the enabler role so that people can be more productive or more efficient in things they are already doing. Examples of assisted intelligence are navigation systems, where the route changes due to traffic or bad weather. Navigation could be used without AI but it would not be as responsive in real-time.

Augmented Intelligence

Augmented intelligence is a collaboration between machines and humans, enabling people to do things that they couldn’t otherwise do. Here there are platforms that can process high amounts of complex data to provide experts with multi-angled information. Machine learning is used with predictive analytics to enhance human intelligence.
Lots of examples of augmented intelligence are found in the medical field, or where customers’ needs and risks are thoroughly calculated such as in financial services.

Autonomous Intelligence

This is AI that acts without human input or collaboration, hence it is the most advanced area of artificial intelligence and is not yet trusted enough to be common practice. More often autonomous intelligence is used as an adviser to provide input on important decisions.
Shops like Amazon Go or the ambitious goals for the ABSOLUT shuttle in 2022 are examples that come very close to the definition above. These examples build on those in literature such as Deep Thought in the Douglas Adams books and in Hollywood productions such as The Terminator film series.
Look out for our next article where we discuss the uses of AI in cyber security and the challenges it also brings.
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