Remote-First: Clear Skies Ahead

Our team is currently in La Rochelle, France for the second B-Boost Conference. We will be in booth #20 on Thursday and Friday. Please come and say hello.

Reading time: 1 minute
By Eliatra
Our team is currently in La Rochelle, France for the second B-Boost Conference. Rather than stay in your typical hotel, a ship in the harbour provides plentiful views, a perfect sunny office and the shortest distance to the conference venue. The Free Software and Open Source exhibition will be happening on the 14th and 15th October, leaving lots of hands on work time whilst at sea.
We have spoken before about our remote-only team, and what works for us, but how does an office on the water function in reality?
The basic facts are easily covered and not hugely different from life on the road: we have wifi from tethering and electricity from the grid as the boat is in the harbour. We can see the event space from the boat deck and are surrounded by busy cafes and restaurants.
Life on board is a little wobbly, and takes a little getting used to, but all in all the salty air mixed with the unique smell of oilpaint from the boats is a much nicer office atmosphere than the standard hotel room. Plus sharing the minimal lifestyle in limited space ideally supports the team spirit.
After our daily dip in the Atlantic every morning we will be in booth #20 on Thursday and Friday. Please come and say hello.
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